API Documentation


We provide a simple and powerful API that allows you to programmatically trade on our exchange. You can have multiple API keys each with its own access right. You can manage your APIs on the Manage API page. For added security, we have provided email verification for generating new APIs and for redisplay your API secret key. All public requests are GET requests and all responses come in a default JSON response object.

Getting Started

You can create new APIs on the manage API section. APIs come with three levels of permission: read info, trade and withdraw.

You can restrict the functionality of APIs. Before creating new APIs, you must choose what permissions you would like the key to have. The permissions are:

  • Read Info- You can only view your market trade history, account balances, cryptocurrency transaction history etc

  • Trade- You can place a buy/sell order in a specific trading market.Make sure you have the proper permissions set on your API keys for this call to work.

  • Withdraw- You can programmatically withdraw your cryptocurrency to any address you provide.

In order to make authenticated API calls, you have to provide an API signature to validate your identity. We use a standard HMAC-SHA512 signing. Calculate the HMAC hash using your API secret and URL and include it under an API sign header

$apikey="YOUR API KEY HERE";



$service_url = 'https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getmytradehistory';

$sign=hash_hmac('sha512',$service_url ,$apisecret);

$curl = curl_init($service_url);

$curl_post_data = array(

"apikey" => $apikey,

"market" => $market,


curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, success);

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('apisign:'.$sign));

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);

$curl_response = curl_exec($curl);

$obj = json_decode($curl_response);

API Reference

There are two categories of API service that we provide Public APIs that are used without user authentication and Authenticated API that is only accessible via authenticated API calls.

Public API's can directly be accessed by invoking  the URL directly but authenticated API's can only be accessed by providing the API key and secret which you can generate from new API section.

Public API

  • api/getasksofmarket

This particular API request is used to provide all the ask orders of a particular market.

Parameters : market

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getasksofmarket?market=btc-usd


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Market": "BTC-USD", "BaseCurrency": "BTC", "TradeCurrency": "USD", "Type": "Limit", "Price": "6390.75", "Size": "3.39097910", "Total": "21670.90", "Sum": "21670.90" }] }

  • api/getbidsofmarket

This particular API request is used to provide all the  bid orders of a particular market.

Parameters : market

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getbidsofmarket?market=btc-usd


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Market": "BTC-USD", "BaseCurrency": "BTC", "TradeCurrency": "USD", "Type": "Limit", "Price": "6386.32", "Size": "0.71435770", "Total": "4562.12", "Sum": "4562.12" }] }

  • api/getallmarkets

This particular API request is used to provide all active trading markets in the Inout Blockchain FiatExchanger.

Parameters : None

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getallmarkets


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Market": "BTC-USD", "BaseCurrency": "Bitcoin", "TradeCurrency": "United States Dollar", "MinTradeSize": "0.00009", "CreatedOn": "01/01/1970 05:30:00" }, { "Market": "BTC-EUR", "BaseCurrency": "Bitcoin", "TradeCurrency": "Euro", "MinTradeSize": "0.00009", "CreatedOn": "10/17/2018 11:03:19" }] }

  • api/getmarketsummary

This particular API request is used to provide market summary of a particular trading market in the last 24 hours.

Parameters : market

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getmarketsummary?market=btc-usd


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "MarketName": "BTC-USD", "High": "6434.17", "Low": "6386.32", "Volume": "430.114", "Last": "6386.32", "Bid": "6386.32", "Ask": "6390.75", "ChangePecentage": "-0.74", "OpenBuyOrders": "3653", "OpenSellOrders": "3671", "CreatedOn": "01/01/1970 05:30:00" }] }

  • api/getmarkettradehistory

This particular API request is used to provide old trade history of a particular market.

Parameters : market

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getmarkettradehistory?market=btc-usd


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Id": "89643", "ClosedDate": "11/10/2018 15:20:02", "Type": "Sell", "Amount": "6386.32", "TotalUnits": "0.14100260", "TotalCost": "900.49" }] }

  • api/getticker

This particular API request is used to get current tick values for a particular market.

Parameters : market

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getticker?market=btc-usd


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "MarketName": "BTC-USD", "BaseCurrency": "Bitcoin", "TradeCurrency": "United States Dollar", "Bid": "6386.32", "Ask": "6390.75", "Last": "6386.32" }] }

  • api/getallmarketsummaries

This particular API request is used to provide market summaries of all active market.

Parameters :None

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getallmarketsummaries


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "MarketName": "BTC-USD", "High": "6434.07", "Low": "6386.32", "Volume": "429.114", "Last": "6386.32", "Bid": "6386.32", "Ask": "6390.75", "ChangePecentage": "-0.74", "OpenBuyOrders": "3653", "OpenSellOrders": "3671", "CreatedOn": "01/01/1970 05:30:00" }] }

  • api/getcurrencies

This particular API request is used to provide all active currencies of the system.

Parameters :None

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getcurrencies


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Currency": "Bitcoin", "Symbol": "BTC", "IsActive": "true", "CoinType": "Cryptocurrency" }, { "Currency": "Bitcoin Cash", "Symbol": "BCH", "IsActive": "true", "CoinType": "Cryptocurrency" }] }

Authenticated APIs

  • api/getbalance

This particular API request is used to return authenticated users available balance for a specific currency.

Parameters :currency

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getbalance


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Currency": "BTC", "AvailableBalance": "991.99900000", "PendingWithdrawals": "1.00000000", "OnOrders": "7.00100000", "DepositAddress": "3AuEJzdKCnGmowtLDFiSoxhhmpnmkYC4vE" }] }

  • api/getallbalances

This particular API request is used to provide the available user balance of the authenticated users in all currencies.

Parameters :None

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getallbalances



"response": "success",

"message": "",

"result": [{

"Currency": "BTC",

"AvailableBalance": "992.77974100",

"PendingWithdrawals": "3.00000000",

"OnOrders": "14.10008600",

"DepositAddress": "3R2Fb7amicoe5m4V9Q1edCh47S4JLQ1BVx"

}, {

"Currency": "BCH",

"AvailableBalance": "993.00010000",

"PendingWithdrawals": "0.00000000",

"OnOrders": "5.99990000",

"DepositAddress": "172nurPYSq97T6LzsBSfc3G9g4xiEDdgXz"



  • api/getmytradehistory

This particular API request is used to provide trade history of  authenticated user.

Parameters :market

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getmytradehistory


{ "respose": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Id": "114038", "OpenedDate": "11/09/2018 17:27:41", "ClosedDate": "11/09/2018 17:27:41", "Type": "Limit-Sell", "Amount": "5500.00", "UnitsFilled": "0.14436840", "UnitsTotal": "1.00000000", "ActualCost": "6430.03", "TotalCost": "6430.03" }] }

  • api/getmyopenorders

This particular API request is used to provide open orders of  authenticated user in a particular market.

Parameters :market

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getmyopenorders


{ "response": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Id": "60", "Market": "BTC-USD", "Type": "Limit-Buy", "Amount": "6387.86", "UnitsFilled": "0.00000000", "UnitsTotal": "4.20453240", "EstimatedTotal": "26857.96", "OrderDate": "10/16/2018 18:08:21" }] }

  • api/getdepositaddress

This particular API request is used to returns deposit address of a requested cryptocurrency.

Parameters :currency

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getdepositaddress


{ "response": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Currency": "BTC", "Address": "3R2Fb7amicoe5m4V9Q1edCh47S4JLQ1BVx" }] }

  • api/selllimit

This particular API request is used to programatically add limit sell order in  a particular market specified as parameter.

Parameters : market,units,price

Required Permission: Trade

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/selllimit


{ "response": "success", "message": "YOUR SELL ORDER PLACED", "result": [{ "Id": "5677" }] }

  • api/buylimit

This particular API request is used to programatically add limit buy order in a particular market  specified as parameter.

Parameters : market,units,price

Required Permission: Trade

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/buylimit


{ "response": "success", "message": "YOUR BUY ORDER PLACED", "result": [{ "Id": "5679" }] }

  • api/buyconditional

This particular API request is used to programatically add limit buy order in  a particular market specified as parameter.

Parameters : market,units,price, condition(1:Greater than or equal to, 2:Less than or equal to), conditionalprice

Required Permission: Trade

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/buyconditional


{ "response": "success", "message": "YOUR BUY ORDER PLACED", "result": [{ "Id": "6162" }] }

  • api/sellconditional

This particular API request is used to programatically add limit buy orderin  a particular market specified as parameter.

Parameters : market,units,price, condition(1:Greater than or equal to, 2:Less than or equal to), conditionalprice

Required Permission: Trade

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/sellconditional


{ "response": "success", "message": "YOUR SELL ORDER PLACED", "result": [{ "Id": "6792" }] }

  • api/cancelorder

This particular API request is used to cancel specific bid/ask.

Parameters :id

Required Permission: Trade

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/cancelorder


{ "response": "success", "message": "CANCELLED", "result": null }

  • api/getdeposithistory

This particular API request is used to provide  deposit history of a particular currency of the authenticated user .

Parameters :currency

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getdeposithistory



{ "response": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "Currency": "Bitcoin", "TransactionId": "fa09af05-e435-5dc5-b43f-9362e537e7e0", "AmountDeposited": "10.00000000 BTC", "RequestedDate": "08/25/2018 17:40:25", "ProcessedDate": "08/25/2018 17:40:25", "WalleteAddress": "3R2Fb7amicoe5m4V9Q1edCh47S4JLQ1BVx", "TotalBalance": "1009.87982700 BTC", "TransactionStatus": "Completed" }] }

  • api/getwithdrawalhistory

This particular API request is used to return authenticated users withdrawal history.

Parameters :currency

Required Permission: Read info

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/getwithdrawalhistory


{ "response": "success", "message": "", "result": [{ "CryptoCurrency": "Bitcoin", "TransactionId": "fa09af05-e435-5dc5-b43f-9362e537e7e0", "AmountWithdrawn": "1.00000000 BTC", "WithdrawalTransactionFee": "0.00070000 BTC", "NetAmount": "0.99930000 BTC", "WithdrawalAddress": "3E5C8su1BYZsrwz6LsAW5udvSbcZvRqovD", "RequestedDate": "10/17/2018 09:23:01", "ProcessedDate": "10/17/2018 09:23:01", "BlockchainHash": "5f511f9f6ee23a6c94e8d28e0776a9dec50f984ff6d7c83953f465aed6de26ad", "WalleteAddress": "3R2Fb7amicoe5m4V9Q1edCh47S4JLQ1BVx", "TotalBalance": "1009.87982700 BTC", "TransactionStatus": "Completed" }] }

  • api/withdraw

This particular API request is used to withdraw specified units of specified  cryptocurrency to a specified address in the API request.

Parameters :currency,quantity,address,paymentid(for coins like XRP,XLM)

Required Permission: withdraw

Request : https://inout-blockchain-fiatexchanger-addons-demo.inoutscripts.net/index.php/api/withdraw


{ "response": "success", "message": "YOUR WITHDRAWAL REQUEST HAS BEEN COMPLETED", "result": [{ "Id": "233132", }] }


